It was one year ago I got married on the beach of Neko Harbor in Antarctica. I was single for a long – long time. I was busy raising kids and then galavanting round the globe doing photography. Then I was lucky enough to meet Debra. She is an amazing woman with he biggest heart I have ever seen or felt. Plus she gets me. She loves photography as much as I do and she like playing on computers. We get a long like two peas in a pod as they would say. So, one day after dating for like 5 years I told her if she got a passport I would take her to Antarctica and marry her. Because she was born in Germany to US parents while they were in the service it was hard to find the birth certificate paperwork. Well guess what, one day the passport showed up and being a man of my word we headed of to Antarctica on one of my photo workshops there and had the most incredible wedding on a beach with 60 photographers and hundreds of penguins. I can’t even describe how cool that was and how memorable the event was. Well this week I am taking Debra to Hawaii for a warm weather one year anniversary. So, when I have internet and some time I’ll be posting from Hawaii and the islands on=f Maui and Molokai.
Congrats Kevin and Debra!
🙂 Congratulations to you and Debra!
A great story. Congratulations to you.?
I am so happy for both of you — congratulations!