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Bridgeton Revisited With The Phase One XT

1m00s, Automated Frame Average

Bridgeton, IN is a special place.  It has a covered bridge, waterfall and a grist mill.  Combine it with a dramatic sky and it lends itself to a great testing ground for the Phase One XT camera system.  The Phase One XT is a sort of a technical camera with a number of cool features.  One of those is Frame Averaging.  This feature allows for the camera to do the work of a neutral density filter.  I never realized just how cool this feature was until I used it and instantly became addicted to it.  The method is pretty simple.  First you pick an exposure and focus the way you want it for a single exposure.  Once you have an image that works for you it’s time to choose what timing you want of a long exposure.  You may want a 20 second exposure to get a nice blur to water or clouds or even a longer one for more dramatic results.  For me, I take a number of various timed exposures and then choose what works best.  Eventually you get good at figuring things out for desired exposures.

These are two images one straight exposure and one for a two minute plus exposure.  I’ll have lots more to say about this in a future article on in the near future.

Kevin Raber
March 28,2021


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