One of the things that is fun about Iceland is the unpredictable weather. When we woke up the morning that this image was taken it was raining hard and deep overcast, It’s one of those morning that would have been easy to say let’s go back to bed. The time was around 4AM. Being the adventurous photographer that we are we decided to go for it and drove the 20 minutes to the Jökulsárlón lagoon. If you have never heard of this place or visited it you are really missing an experience. I have visited this location numerous times and it has always yielded a special photograph. This morning was no different. The sun had come up behind the clouds and all of a sudden the clouds started to part and this amazing color came through. Contrasting with the blue of the icebergs I was able to get a number of nice images. This was one of them.
Hi, I feel this has been completely overdone and looks agressively post processed. I think it would be nice if you left it so that the tones can ease into one another rather than creating color shapes that don’t really work. I’ve seen much better work from you than this.
Best & Happy New Year,