I am now in Oslo, Norway about to start the second leg of my journey back to home to Indianapolis. I have been away for 3 weeks and 16 of those days have been at sea leading two amazing photo workshops in the Arctic region of Svlabard, Norway. This was my second trip to Svalbard and it won’t be my last. I got to share this trip with some amazing people and take so many amazing images. We have polar bear pictures and one of them was on a kill. Walrus and Arctic fox. We shot an Ice Wall that is 100’s of kilometers longs with ware falls at just the right light. We shot a bird cliff where I have never seen so many birds. So, over the coming weeks you’ll find a ton of images here on a daily basis, plus give em a few weeks and I’ll have a trip log of this trip. I am home for a few weeks before leading a workshop in the Palouse. So, let’s start out with a classic Iceberg shot. Funny to all dressed up in winter gear in July.
Beautiful photo, Kevin. Thanks for sharing these, I’d love to be there, but seeing and reading about your photos is a good substitute.