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In Iceland

Hraunfossar Barnafoss – waterfalls that flow from a lava field

We awoke to a mixed bag of weather typical Iceland style.  After loading the vehicles we began our journey to Stykkisholmur which is a peninsula in Iceland.  We will be expiring this area for the next few days before heading south.  On the way we visited an amazing set of waterfalls that for the most part flow out and from a lava field.  The area is know as Hraunfossar Barnafoss. After spending a time there we continued our journey and the weather turned into gael force winds.  We battled these winds all the way to the hotel.  We will be exploring the coastline and a small glacier today.  After dinner last evening Peter Eastway kicked off the lecture part with a stimulating program with his photography and what you can do to make an image better.

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